Why facials are important.

Skin Enthusiast here sharing secrets….

Why are facials important?  if You’ve got a face, then you need them!

First off, your face is like a map, it tells me what you’ve been through in life. Emotions stick, yes your mom was right your face can get stuck that way if you frown too much!!!  If someone has lead a stressful life, I'll see furrowed worry lines in the middle of their forehead, also a downturned smile with lines around their mouth. The skin may be dull, broken out, dry. If someone has had a joyful life, then ill see deeper laugh lines around the mouth, fine lines around their eyes, and a glow to the skin. Like I said your face is a map… GRACEFULLY AGING AVE PLEASE!!!  Daily  skincare routine (like brushing your teeth) plus keeping up with monthly facials. 

Lets talk about why facials are important. So the skin sheds a number of skin cells every month, but as we age those skin cells take longer to shed, think of a baby… their angelic skin is perfect, their skin cells are shedding at warp speed, plus no sun damage, environmental toxins or pollutants like us adults have, yet. So as we age, fighting extrinsic signs of aging we need to keep up with a skincare routine that is personalized for you and your lifestyle. This routine will be given to you by me, a skincare professional, facials are personalized treatments that will induce relaxation,  ensure healthy skin, from the vegan botanical products I infuse into your skin.

Cleansing to remove all the debris and to allow me to work from the a blank canvas.

Exfoliating  with the perfect AHA , scrub or enzyme for you will shed those stubborn dead skin cells clogging your beautiful glow.

Massage oh the massage is where its at!! I am a former massage therapist and I know the importance of massage and muscle tension in the face and neck.

Mask  will push in the nutrients and hydration your skin deserves.

You’ll leave my room, glowing, relaxed and happy!!   

Doing this monthly will slow down aging, calm inflammation, hydrate, heal and give you balanced skin!

julia junkin